Flags of Freedom 2022

Flags of Freedom is a grand, two-week display of 600 American flags hosted by United Way of the Plains and IAM District Lodge #70. We invite you to participate by purchasing a dedication in honor or memory of a veteran in your life and by visiting the field of flags.

Purchase a dedication in honor or memory of a service member for just $30.

Dedications, including the veteran’s name, branch of service, rank, and a short, personal tribute will be listed in an online dedication wall at unitedwayplains.org/freedom (updated every Tuesday and Friday). An acknowledgment email will be sent to the service member or contact of your choice if you choose.

Your dedication will support United Way programs that assist veterans in obtaining free transportation, shelter, mental health care, and other wrap-around services. 

Please purchase your dedication by Tuesday, May 31. 

Visit the Flags

600 flags will be displayed in the field at IAM District Lodge #70, located at 3830 S. Meridian Ave. (I-235 and S. Meridian Ave.) Visit the field of flags any time of day between Monday, May 16, and Memorial Day, Monday, May 30.

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