Dear Sisters and Brothers:
As you know, it appears likely that there will be a contested election for IAM General Secretary-Treasurer. In our proud tradition of union democracy, it is imperative that every member is aware of their right to make their voice heard.
With the pandemic continuing to affect our lives, the IAM has worked hard to expand access to absentee voting. It is critically important that every IAM member know they can vote safely by mail. Right now, members can go to to print out and mail an Absentee Ballot Request Form. Given recent mailing delays across North America, I strongly encourage every member to mail their Absentee Ballot Request Form early and complete and return their completed ballot immediately upon receipt.
Of course, members who wish to vote in person are still welcome to do so on Saturday, April 24, 2021. Additional information concerning in person voting will be forthcoming to Local Lodges and posted on
Our union is a democratic, member-driven organization. At every level, from Locals to Districts to the Grand Lodge, the members should decide our future. The IAM’s democratic system of governance ensures that every member has a say in our vision and direction.
Democracy is how this union has not only survived, but also thrived, for more than 132 years. With your help, support and work, we will continue to strengthen and build our union for the future by engaging and encouraging our members to vote in the upcoming IAM Grand Lodge Officer Election. Democracy is not a spectator sport. Member participation is essential.
So please, join me in making sure the membership’s voice is heard in the upcoming IAM Grand Lodge Officers Election and encourage all of your IAM Sisters and Brothers to do the same.
In solidarity,
Robert Martinez Jr.
International President
The post Message from IP Martinez Regarding the IAM Grand Lodge Officer Election appeared first on IAMAW.